We found solutions

all possible angles

Who we are

We transform legal matters into competitive advantages for our clients' businesses

We are a full service corporate legal advisory firm with an entrepreneurial spirit and expertise and know-how in the Innovation Ecosystem, in Venture Capital Operations and in the Entertainment sector. We act as strategic partners for our clients, delivering legal solutions with agility and creativity.

We have a team of specialists for personalized service in the advisory and litigation spheres. We work in an assertive preventive manner in areas of law such as: Corporate, Contractual, Labor, Civil, Consumer, Tax, Administrative and Intellectual Property.

Areas of expertise

Our team is able to meet demands of the most diverse legal natures



Civil / Consumerist

21 document

Intellectual property

Legal Advice with expertise in the Innovation Ecosystem and the Entertainment sector

We work so that you have legal security in your business

We provide legal solutions with excellence and quality in the field of startups, entertainment and leisure, in order to help clients achieve their goals in an effective and innovative way, joining ends and aggregating our entire select network of clients and partners to enable business, according to the needs of each company on this journey.

Your enterprise needs a legal follow-up that understands the legislation applied to RD&I (Research, Development and Innovation) understanding the pain points of your business to dialogue with the market. We act from the initial planning, through care in traction and scaling up to negotiations for attracting investments.


Here you will find exclusive content, as well as news and

legal information from different areas of law

By gizelly 06 Mar, 2024
Prorrogado para 8 de março o prazo para que empresas com 100 ou mais funcionários realizem o preenchimento do Relatório Salarial.
By gizelly 06 Mar, 2024
Começou dia 01.03.2024, o prazo para as empresas se cadastrarem no Domicílio Judicial Eletrônico, uma ferramenta do CNJ que centraliza as comunicações de processos de todos os tribunais.
By gizelly 12 Dec, 2023
Confraternização APRESSA
09 Oct, 2023
O plenário do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) decidiu, por 6 votos a 5, que créditos tributários decorrentes da isenção do Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias e Serviços (ICMS) podem ser transferidos entre filiais de uma empresa, em estados diferentes, a partir de 2024.
09 Oct, 2023
O STJ, através da 4ª turma, deliberou que em situações de dissolução parcial de sociedade, um mero levantamento contábil não é suficiente para a apuração de haveres.
09 Oct, 2023
Neste momento, o dólar está sendo transacionado a R$ 5,05 às 17h06 desta quarta-feira (27), após mais de um mês de valor abaixo de R$ 5.
11 Sep, 2023
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We are ready to help you resolve your legal issues quickly and efficiently!

We serve all over the country with a specialized team ready to offer the best solution according to your needs!

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